
Five pounds of birdseed is used to fill 4 identical bird feeders.a. What fraction of the birdseed will be needed to fill each feeder?b. How many pounds of birdseed are used to fill each feeder? Draw a tape diagram to show your thinking.c. How many ounces of birdseed are used to fill three bird feeders?

Accepted Solution

Answer:a. We need 1/4 for each feeder  b. To fill each feeder we need 1.25 poundsc.  We need 60 ounces to fill three bird feedersStep-by-step explanation:Five pounds of birdseed is used to fill 4 identical bird feeders,  a. We divide all the birdseed in 4 feeders, so,  we need 1/4 for each feeder. b. If we use 5 pounds for the 4 feeders,  so each feeders will take 1/4 of the 5 pounds =1/4 x 5=1.25 poundsc. To fill three bird feeders we have to multiply the amount of pounds by feeder by 3 feeders =1.25 pounds x 3= 3,75 poundsIf 16 ounces are a pound so,  16 x 3.75 = 60 ounces