
You are selling concessions at a local swim meet. Hot dogs are being sold for $1.00 and soda is being sold for $0.50. At the end of the day you made $150. Let x represent the number of hotdogs sold and y represent the number of sodas sold. Write an equation that can be used to find the number of hotdogs and sodas sold at the swim team.A) Standard Form:B) Slope-Intercept Form:C) If you sold 40 hot dogs how many sodas did you sell?D) Using the Standard Form, identify the x-intercept of the graph and explain how the x-intercept relates to the number of hot dogs and sodas sold.E) Using Standard Form, identify the y-intercept of the graph and explain how the y-intercept relates to the number of hot dogs and sodas sold.

Accepted Solution

Answer:use this equation: 150=1x+0.5yStep-by-step explanation:a) standard form equation aboveb) 150=1x+0.5ysubtract 1x from both sidesthen divide all by 0.5 to get slope intercept formc) plug it in: 150=1(40)+0.5y and solve to get 220d) take the y intercept from answer b. and the y intercept shows how many you have to sell of each to reach you $150(I think, this part might be wrong...idk)